LleidaDrone colabora con la feria comercial de Drones más importante de Europa, el Commercial UAV Show de Londres
A celebrar el 14 y 15 de noviembre próximos, The Commercial UAV SHOW es la mayor feria de drones de Europa. Tiene lugar en el recinto de Excel London, con unas inmejorables instalaciones y buenas comunicaciones.
Gracias a la colaboración con Terrapin podemos ofrecer a socios y amigos entradas gratis a la exposición y un 15% de descuento para el pase de conferencias, las cuales recomendamos por tener un nivel por todo lo alto y ser muy manejables en el número de asistentes. Información al final del post.
Además, y pendiente de cerrar, es posible que LleidaDrone esté presente en las charlas, con la presentación de un proyecto en el que colaboramos. Más información en breve.
Albert Morea, Technical voice in LleidaDrone board
stands next to a PRION 3 UAV
The Commercial UAV Show exhibition is where leading solution providers can showcase the
full range of innovation in the commercial UAV sector, from the latest UAV designs to revolutionary new technology to support the floating market.
The Commercial UAV Show conference will feature senior representatives of the UAV world.
Leaders in their field who will share how they are planning to integrate UAVs successfully into their global operations across multiple verticals.

Andreu Ibanez, President and Founder LleidaDrone
holding the very first shipment ever made with a drone by DHL.
The Commercial UAV Show is Europe’s largest event for commercial UAV professionals.
Celebrating its 5th year in 2018, the Commercial UAV Show brings together people from across Europe and beyond.

Key speakers include
Aircraft Engineers
Jessie Mooberry, Head of Deployment – Altiscope, Airbus A^3
Dragos Margineantu, AI Chief Technologist, Technical Fellow, Boeing Research & Technology
Nick Colosimo, Strategy & Planning Executive, Global Engineering Fellow, Principal
Technologist (Disruptive Technologies), BAE Systems – Air
Hamed Khalkhali, Director of Engineering – Tactical UAS Business Unit, AeroVironment, Inc.
Jonathan Brewster, Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
Stéphane Terrenoir, CTO, Delair
Maj Andrew Huggins, Chief Air Engineer Miniature Unmanned Air Systems – 1 ISR Brigade,
British Army
Ally Ferguson, Director, Airspace Research, PrecisionHawk
Patrick Thevoz, Co-Founder and CEO, Flyability
Other Industries
Mark Lawton, Chief Surveying Engineer, Skanska
Kevin Cardona, Directeur de l'Innovation - Chief Innovation Officer, BNP Paribas Real Estate
Joe Little, Technology Principal - Digital Innovation Organisation, BP
Greg Agvent, Senior Director of National News Technology, CNN
Jacques van Tonder, Chief Advisor - Asset Management and Infrastructure, Rio Tinto
Eric Murray, Principal Engineer, Vodafone
Download the agenda to see who else is speaking and find out what they will be discussing

Agenda topics
Our forward-looking agenda covers all the industry’s most pressing issues, including:
Using Aerial Data for Mapping and GIS
Cyber Security Threats
Shared Airspace and traffic management
Connectivity and 5G
Solving urban problems
Data management
Improving endurance and battery life
AI and Machine Learning
And much more!
Download the agenda to get a full overview of everything you can learn

Meet key suppliers
With over a hundred exhibitors you'll get to see latest innovations, live demos and a variety of solutions including:
UAV Manufacturer
Sensor/Receptors/Camera/Battery Manufacturers
UTM, Data and Geospatial Software
Service Provider
Test Centre
Go to our website here to book your FREE Expo Pass or buy a ticket to the conference with 15% discount with code PPJW.